Welcome to the Spirit Realm

You've finally had enough. You decide to confront Winter face to face once and for all and give her a piece of your mind.

You walk to her house, the ghastly voices and footsteps still getting louder with every step you take. You approach the door to Winter's house but it suddenly opens. "Ive been expecting you."

As you both go to Winter's room, everything feels a bit off. There was no noise anywhere except for the constant ghostly whispers in your ear. Winter opens the door to her room. On the floor a lone, almost exhausted candle illuminates an Ouija board.

You ask Winter why she is playing with an Ouija board and how doing so is not a joke.

"Since we met, you've always inspired me to seek what it was like into the darkness," Winter tells you. Somehow, you feel a sense of pride. So much that her absence in the past three years didn't matter anymore.

Winter continues: "I'm so glad you've finally decided to communicate with me. I have been trying to contact you since you fell off that bridge three years ago. I really hope you could help me reach my mother in the spirit realm."

haunted house living roomhaunted house living room
Gypsy in the spirit realm
Gypsy in the spirit realm