"What a relief to see you."

You begin to apologize to your wife for storming out of the house earlier. You vow to never leave them again, in life or death.

She replies: "I believe you... but only because it's too late." With a puzzling look you inquire: "What do you mean it's too late?"

Slowly, she points you to the other direction where police cars and ambulances blare their sirens and flash the blues and reds.

She takes your hand and walks you slowly to the scene of an accident.

As you come closer, you begin to feel sick to your stomach. A paramedic pulls down the blanket covering a mangled man that eerily looks like you.

Just then, she turns to you and says: "Thank you for staying with us— in life and in death."

couple in embrace
couple in embrace
car accident on a snowy night
car accident on a snowy night