The Number 23.

Ann packs her bags of Pokemon balls, powdered stamina capsules, and a sachet each of extra life and charm. You begin to wonder if you’ve chosen the right medium.

Still, Ann is adamant as ever to catch your killer with her animated weapons… and your useless self.

Ann knocks at the door of the suspect. A pale, creepy old man with bloodshot eyes opens it.

Ann says: “You killed 22 people! Prepare to embrace the long arm of the law!”

Suddenly, the old man stabs Ann right in the gut. “Make that 23, my long lost daughter...” he says with pride.

Right there and then, you’ve just wished you had stayed in the spirit world as Ann falls motionless to the floor while the old man puts the Celtic necklace back on his neck.

Ann the ghost hunter.
Ann the ghost hunter.
Creepy old serial killerCreepy old serial killer